Jeju Day 2: Photoshoot in the Green Tea Fields

Day 2 we took a taxi and headed for the O’Sulloc Tea Museum and Innisfree Jeju House. These two sites, next door to each other, are surrounded by tea plantations. O’Sulloc is one of the most famous tea companies in Korea, you can find their tea shops (which are really more matcha dessert cafes than tea shops) everywhere in Seoul, but apparently all their green tea come from Jeju. On the other hand, Innisfree is a cosmetic brand under Amore Pacific (largest cosmetic conglomerate in Korea), famous for their organic and natural products, and most of their ingredients are claimed to be from Jeju. Even though Innisfree is ubiquitous in Seoul and other major cities in Asia, the Jeju house has a special soap-making station! So I made soap! Yay!!

O’Sulloc Cafe

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So, knowing our love for matcha and obsession for skin care,  it makes perfect sense why we made this the first stop of the day. We took a thousand pictures here, like literally.

The Meng Fei Photoshoot:

My mom’s celebrity shots:

Perfect clouds, beautiful greeneries, and soothing tea fields. After this experience, I’m looking forward to visiting an actual green tea field during my time in Korea, or on my upcoming trip to Japan in October!